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This post was inspired by my true love and respect of Mother Nature.

It's time to realise that without Nature we are nothing, we are dead.

Nature is Everything.

When I am happy I go to Nature.

When I am sad I go to Nature.

When I need to recharge my batteries I go to Nature.

When I need more space and freedom I go to Nature.

When I want to feel more alive I go to Nature.

When I do yoga I go to Nature.

When I need nurturing and grounding I go to Nature.

When I want to see endless beauty and to to feel this endless beauty, infinity and freedom inside of. me I go to Nature.

I visit Her every day.

I take care of Her every day.

I protect Her every day.

I bless her every day.

I pray for Her every day.

She is in my heart. She is in every cell of my body.

She is my Mother.

Let me share with you a lyric ( ~ Elah & EuSierra; Prayer for Peace ) which really resonates with my Heart :)


" IN a world of duality, may we find solace in unity MAY we do our very best to walk in our talk and give back to humanity IF coldness strikes our hearts, may we call upon the guiding forces to lead us towards the golden warmth of receptivity TO explore the realms of our sensitivities and do our inner work to release our inhibitions so we can greet life with more neutrality TO find creative ways to move through the world with inspired adaptability BECAUSE part of the purpose of life is finding within all of existence our commonality WE live in a time where we can be comforted with ancient and multi-dimensional intelligences of past, present and future’s creativity MAY we draw upon this inspiration with honor and respect to spread the messages of integrity TO balance our personal power with humility AND in this precious earth, may we learn to walk gently TO show up in nature and society, honoring diversity INTUITIVELY sensing where there are calls for love on this planet and the bravery to give ourselves to the cause wisely MAY we surround ourselves in environments which encourage our equanimity and the soul family who embodies acceptance and tranquility WE call upon the courage to be bold and practicing the art of uplifting the world through positivity TO step away from the safe harbor and fearlessly engage in human-to-human interaction without judgement so we can viscerally discover our universality BECAUSE generosity has a life of its own and has the power to ripple on through all of eternity MAY we never underestimate benevolent acts of kindness and remember to experience the world through the lens of empathy THIS is a Prayer for Peace, of beckoning for sacred reciprocity"

I hope this post inspired you to connect with Her more and to protect Her more. It takes only little , daily conscious actions.




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